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"Let us change so the climate
doesn't have to!"





- Anne Vanschothorst

"Het doet me goed dat steeds meer mensen zich door haar laten raken. Ik vond jouw muziek er natuur-lijk bij passen. Niet te lief, maar de rouwheid die ik ook bij Emily lees."

Adrie Lint -


"That I Did Always Love

is beautiful and striking;
the author, aware of the importance that women have had in this process
of transmission of the sensitive world, has composed a work of
sound art with music
and words of the spirit."


Núria Serra, Sonograma


has distilled the essence

of Dickinson's sensibility

into the mesmerizing

That I Did Always Love."

Ron Schepper, Textura


"Film zonder film zou je kunnen zeggen. De piano stukken worden gespeeld door Jeroen van Vliet (prachtig!)."

Lex Bohlmeijer, NPO Klassiek

- Antjie Krog

"how can we take care of the earth if we don't take care of each other / how can we take care of each other if we don't take care of the earth?"

aankondiging 'klip lied snaar'
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