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Q : how profound is music ?


the HARPlab. is a transdisciplinairy [art] space for exploration, a new conceptual dimension and platform beyond (live) performance and (offline) experience. The aim is to shape reality - that may lead to transformation in belief systems and emotional levels, by creating [experimental] art-fusion-projects in various settings, [from online, app, event, rtv and 'in a room', to the (multi-media) production itself], with the focus on allignment, inspired action, imagination, sound and silence. This renewed, reformed, inventive language brings the higher understanding and inner knowing that music has a profound impact on well being and (mental) health, especially when experienced in solitude. 











findingThis renewed, reformed, inventive language brings the higher understanding and inner knowing that music has a profound impact on well being and (mental) health, especially when experienced in solitude.

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